Post-COVID Confidence
Delivered by Onswitch, supported by Easy DD and MSD
MSD account managers and Easy DD team – please use this form to book training / consultative session for practices.
There is no ‘provisional’ booking – completing this form removes a slot from availability and confirms the booking for the practice.
If your practice isn’t sure – don’t book it!
Sessions are 3 hours (with a break) and are delivered remotely.
Attendees can join from multiple locations.
Up to 8 attendees per session (more than that becomes less productive for the practice).
Sessions will be recorded so that the practice can share with other team members.
If a practice does not want their session to be recorded, that’s fine – they must make that clear at the beginning of the session.

Alison Lambert
Want to chat before you book?
Email and we’ll answer any questions.
Book your training
Use the form below to book a 3-hour remote training session for your practice